Behold the Man. The words leapt off the page of my Bible in my early morning devotion before work. I was reading the message given by the prophet Zechariah to the High Priest Joshua. The prophet was told to make two crowns, one for Joshua’s head and the other for a memorial reminder in the temple that was under reconstruction. That was a strange place to put a crown– on a priest’s head. High Priests didn’t wear crowns; Kings wore crowns. However, the symbolic act pointed to the coming Messiah, both Priest and King, Who would build the true dwelling place that God desired.
Behold the Man. As I glanced at the clock and realized that I needed to move or risk being late getting started for my day, the words echoed through my mind. I remembered another man standing in front of an angry crowd and gesturing to the bloodied figure of Jesus, beaten and bruised and wearing a crown of thorns pressed onto His brow as he shouted the same phrase. Did the scribes and scholars in the crowd that day gasp at the praetor’s choice of words? Did their minds go back to that ancient text and the implication of the command?
Behold the Man. I drove down the familiar road, passing silent houses thinly veiled in the morning fog. I thought about how my own prayers at times seem like a litany of requests than an ongoing conversation. Give me this. Do that. Change the situation. Move the obstacles I face. How often had I muttered hurried words and failed to consider Who I was truly addressing?
Behold the Man. The day’s pace quickened and I hurried trying to catch it. Frustration caused my shoulders to tense as plans changed and increasing demands were made on my attention. Anger seethed beneath the surface of my calm demeanor and I caught myself whispering almost reflexively, “Lord, help me.” Quieting my heart, I made the decision to intentionally lean into the prophet’s words. I felt peace slip over me as I slowed down long enough to consider the Lord.
Behold the Man. That night as sleep evaded my weary mind, I quietly moved from my bed to the recliner and lifted my thoughts higher. I did not need to rehash the day one more time or go over ideas on how to make things better. I did not need to analyze conversations or examine the motives of those with whom I had interacted. My day with its busy activity and my life with its worrisome uncertainties could not change the faithful stability of the Lord in my life. I just needed to behold the Man.
May I invite you to join me as I gaze at Him?
Behold the Man.
The High Priest tempted as I but without yielding to sin, fully understanding my weakness.
The Author and Finisher of my faith, writing my story with the pen of His love
The Lamb of God carrying my sins on His bloody cross.
The Bread of Heaven that satisfies the deepest longings of my soul.
The Good Shepherd watching over me with His protective gaze.
The Vine to which I am connecting and from Whom I draw strength.
The Way, the Truth, and the Life guiding and empowering me as I lean into Him.
The Resurrection promising to breathe new life into my broken dreams.
The Light of the world illuminating the darkness of the road ahead of me.
The Prince of peace Who breathes calm into the storms in my heart.
The greatest need of my life is to simply Behold the Man.