What are you going to do with Jesus?

When we stand in front of God, He will not ask us how good we have been or if we followed the rules in our churches. What He is going to be looking at is much more personal, to us and to Him. He will ask you this one question: What did you do with Jesus?

We all know that we have sinned at some time in our lives. We cannot stand before a Holy God on the merit of our own works. We needed Someone better than us to make a way, and that Someone is Jesus Christ.

Jesus is the Son of God. He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life on the earth, and was crucified on a Roman cross. On that cross, Jesus paid the penalty for my sins and yours. He was laid in a borrowed tomb, and on the third day He rose from the dead.

God did not make salvation hard for us. All we have to do is believe.

Step 1: Confess that you have sinned.

Step 2: Ask God to forgive you. You have not done anything so bad that He will not forgive.

Step 3: Tell God that you believe that Jesus died for your sins and rose again the third day.

Step 4: Thank Him for cleansing you and making you new inside.

Now go tell someone! You are a new creation! You are a member of the family of God, and that is worth celebrating. Finally, find a church and start attending. Everyone there came into the kingdom just like you did–praying the salvation prayer!

Now when you stand in front of God and He asks what you did with Jesus, your answer will be, I put my trust in Him! And He will say, Good answer!