The Heavens Declare

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows and proclaims His handiwork. (Psalms 19:1) As often as I have read this verse, I have had this picture in my head of a young David sitting on a grassy knoll by his campfire, sheep resting nearby as the last rays of sunlight fade …

I See You There

Exodus 17:6 I will stand there before you by the rock at Horeb. Strike the rock, and water will come out of it for the people to drink.” (NIV) I see You thereIn the company of complainers,Amidst the murmuringHearing whining instead of worship. You see the peopleThirsty but not thankfulIn self-pity but not prayingImperfect and …

Under the Blood

Frogs and lice, flies and boils, hail and locusts.  When God was about to bring out the children of Israel , He sent plague after plague on Egypt to disrupt their lives, destroy their pride, and reveal the inadequacies of their false gods.  The final judgment that God sent on the Egyptians would break their …

Will You Listen?

There is an account recorded in scripture of two kings, Ahab and Jehoshaphat, sitting together and discussing politics. As the conversation turns to the Syrian aggressors who have been raiding Ahab’s domain, plans were made to engage the enemy in an attempt to win back some land that had been lost.  The scene goes something like …


Heart pounding and thoughts racing, Elijah looked around the small dusty room he called home. Only moments before, the messenger from the palace had been standing in the doorway, smug and intimidating as he relayed the threat of the queen that the prophet would not see another sunset. His hands shaking, Elijah grabbed a change …

Noah’s Hammer

May I invite you into Genesis chapter 6 with me? The morning was cool and the trees swayed gently in the wind. Besides the birds singing in the early sun, the only sound to be heard was the thud of Noah’s hammer.  He was sitting high on the scaffolding working on the massive wooden ark. …

Work out of Worship

Solomon’s temple was extravagant and elaborate, a wonder to behold, and even more wondrous when the cloud of God’s glory filled its chambers. Yet with all the years of labor and attention to detail involved in the construction of the temple, and the overwhelming Presence of God at its dedication, Solomon’s passion for the Lord …