Nail Your Faith

May I tell you a story from the gospel of John? There was a man who was a royal official, a person of importance in his community of Capernaum. His position no doubt brought him privileges and made certain he had whatever he needed in life. However, his problem could not be solved with riches …

Live with Passion

I love to read the Bible narrative about the man Moses. He had given up on his dream of freeing his people from Egyptian bondage and had settled into a simple life of tending his father-in-law’s flocks. As he led the sheep in search of pasturage on the backside of the desert, God called to …

Throw Away Your Matches

For the god of this world has blinded the unbelievers’ minds [that they should not discern the truth], preventing them from seeing the illuminating light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ (the Messiah), Who is the Image and Likeness of God.(1 Corinthians 4:4, Amplified) Can I tell you about my trip to Mammoth …

Lay Down the Stones

I opened my Bible to the familiar passage I had been studying.  I read again how the religious authorities dragged this woman from the bed where she was lying with a married man, through the streets while people watched,  and into the courtyard where Jesus sat teaching the people.  They proclaimed her sin in the …

Honeysuckle Breeze

The shadows lengthenDaylight fleesSo I stand and wonderAt the majestyThink I will rest awhileIn the honeysuckle breeze The stars peek outOver leafy treesPlanets danceThrough the galaxyI sit down with GodIn the honeysuckle breeze Fireflies hoverCrickets singI hear the songsOf a summer’s eveI listen with GodIn the honeysuckle breeze In the honeysuckle breezeI sigh and lean …

Open the Eyes of My Heart

Years ago in church we sang a song that struck a chord in my heart and resonated through my life for years. The lyrics were simple, “Open the eyes of my heart, I want to see You.” I have whispered that phrase more than any other request in my prayer closet. I want to see …

Hallowed Be Thy Name

Oft times when my thoughts are scattered, I find that meditating on the model prayer that Jesus gave His disciples gives structure to my prayer time. That was where I was that day, my mind on laundry and dusting, on getting things ready for work the next day, on the million voices of daily life …

before the gods

I will confess and praise You [O God] with my whole heart; before the gods will I sing praises to You.  Psalms 138:1 Man has always searched for someone or something bigger than himself to add meaning and significance to his life. We were made for divine connection from the moment that God bent over …

My Springs

All my springs are in thee.  Psalms 87:7, KJV When I was a girl living in the mountains of Kentucky, many warm sunny days were spent playing in the creek by my cousin’s house.  We waded the shallow water and splashed each other until we were soaked, and spent lazy afternoons trying to scoop up …