Live with Passion

I love to read the Bible narrative about the man Moses. He had given up on his dream of freeing his people from Egyptian bondage and had settled into a simple life of tending his father-in-law’s flocks. As he led the sheep in search of pasturage on the backside of the desert, God called to …

Lay Down the Stones

I opened my Bible to the familiar passage I had been studying.  I read again how the religious authorities dragged this woman from the bed where she was lying with a married man, through the streets while people watched,  and into the courtyard where Jesus sat teaching the people.  They proclaimed her sin in the …

I See You There

Exodus 17:6 I will stand there before you by the rock at Horeb. Strike the rock, and water will come out of it for the people to drink.” (NIV) I see You thereIn the company of complainers,Amidst the murmuringHearing whining instead of worship. You see the peopleThirsty but not thankfulIn self-pity but not prayingImperfect and …

Honeysuckle Breeze

The shadows lengthenDaylight fleesSo I stand and wonderAt the majestyThink I will rest awhileIn the honeysuckle breeze The stars peek outOver leafy treesPlanets danceThrough the galaxyI sit down with GodIn the honeysuckle breeze Fireflies hoverCrickets singI hear the songsOf a summer’s eveI listen with GodIn the honeysuckle breeze In the honeysuckle breezeI sigh and lean …

Drink Deep

“Will you give me a drink?” Jesus’ voice had surprised the woman that day.  She had come with a water jar and a reputation to the well just outside of Sychar.  She had timed her midday water run in an attempt to avoid the gossipping whispers and judgmental glances of the other ladies in the …