Under the Blood

Photo Credit: Daniel Joshua unsplash.com/photos/LwZ7hlAvI2Y

Frogs and lice, flies and boils, hail and locusts.  When God was about to bring out the children of Israel , He sent plague after plague on Egypt to disrupt their lives, destroy their pride, and reveal the inadequacies of their false gods. 

The final judgment that God sent on the Egyptians would break their very strength.  He told Moses, to get the people ready to go  because Pharaoh was going to thrust them out of the land. God was going to pass through the land and the firstborn of every house would die. 

To distinguish between the Israelite and the Egyptian homes, the people were instructed to take a lamb and kill it.  The blood of the lamb was to be painted with hyssop on the lintel and doorposts of the Israelites’ homes. God made a promise that when He saw the blood, He would pass over that home and no judgment would fall in that house.

You know, when the Egyptian taskmasters walked down the street that day, the blood painted on the doorposts didn’t mean anything to them.  The Egyptian ladies probably walked by and said, “Look at that!  What a mess they are making of their homes!” The blood on the doorposts didn’t mean anything at all to them. Oh, but when God walked down that street, the blood meant something to Him!  He looked at the blood and said, “This one belongs to Me!  I have a covenant agreement with this one!  No judgment will fall in this place because I see the blood!”

If you are a Christian, you are part of the blood bought church of Jesus Christ!  There has been some blood shed for you and it was far more effective and powerful than a lamb.  The precious Lamb of God was nailed on a rough Roman cross, and His blood ran down the wood and onto the ground of Calvary. When you accepted Jesus as Savior, that blood was applied to your account.  It was painted by a holy hand on the doorposts of your heart.

When the world  looks at you, that blood doesn’t mean a thing to them.  They may even stand back and tell you that you are crazy to lay down your rights and pleasures to serve the Lord.  They may persecute you. They may come with swords or guns because you call on  the name of Jesus. That precious crimson stain over your life doesn’t mean anything at all to them.

But I have to let you know, it means something to your God! When He walks through the land, God sees the blood of the Lamb on your doorposts and says, “This one belongs to Me! This one has been purchased and redeemed!  No judgment will fall in this place because I see the blood!”

Let me encourage you today to look up and thank Jesus for His precious blood.  You may see judgment coming all around.  The news may be full of bad news and terrible crisis, but you have the blood on your doorposts!  The economy may be in decline, but you have the blood on your doorposts! You are the Body of Christ and judgment passes over you!

Pray with me?

Father, we just have to stop and give You some praise! Thank you for the blood of Calvary.  We are not ashamed of it or the Gospel.  We lift up the name of Jesus in our community and over our lives!  We stand identified with the blood!

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Published by Cyndi

Cyndi Bowen is an ordained minister in the Church of God in Ohio, as well as a registered nurse, prayer leader, and mother.

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