Go to the Mountain


God told Moses, “This will be the sign I have sent you: when you bring the people out of Egypt, you will serve Me on this mountain.” (Exodus 3:12) God bound Himself to an appointment with a man on Sinai’s rugged peaks.  After the promised meeting, Moses left that mountaintop glowing with glory that had irradiated him as God walked by and revealed Himself. 

Jesus told His disciples, “When I am raised up again, I will go ahead of you into Galilee.” (Mt 26:32) The Lord gave them a sign and promise: I AM making a mountain top appointment with you.  (paraphrase).  The ragged band of disciples that had spent their time hiding in locked rooms in Jerusalem left that mountain as the glorious church with hearts filled with joy and the Great Commission in hand.

There is something very powerful about keeping an appointment on the mountain with God.  The mountain implies separation. We separate ourselves from the normal pace of life. We come away from distraction and whirlwind of things that demand our attention. The mountain requires we lift our eyes above where they have been set to focus on higher things.

An intentional stretching of our faith must happen as we purpose to meet with God. Coming to God is in itself a step of faith. The writer of Hebrews proclaimed, “He who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6)

The mountain appointment draws upon the faithfulness of God Who has promised that if you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you. (James 4:8) The steps you make up toward the mountain’s summit is mirrored by His reaching down to you . Whether you mountain looks like time in a prayer closet, a walk in the woods as you commune with Him, or fellowshipping with the Lord at your kitchen table, God recognizes it for what it truly represents. You have set other things aside and made a choice to look at Him. You have come up the mountain.

You will find the summit to be a divine promise fulfilled as the Lord lingers with you there. As you listen closely, His heart’s purposes become your own. Those holy moments add significance to your struggle and promotion to your progress. God says of those who will join themselves to Him, “I will bring them to My Holy mountain and make them joyful in My house of prayer.”(Isaiah 56:7)   

God has set Himself an APPOINTMENT to meet you on the mountain! When you keep the appointment you have with God in your prayer closet. you tap into His boundless love and limitless power. As you glimpse Who the Lord really is, worry and fear will melt away. Time spent with the Lord transforms you. Joy awaits you on the mountain!

Child of God, do not neglect the meeting place with God. Do not allow yourself to be cheated out of divine encounter by distraction and busyness. Stand in His glory and let Him wash over you with revelation and purpose. A fear-filled world needs a faith-filled believer.  The world needs you to keep your appointment.

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Published by Cyndi

Cyndi Bowen is an ordained minister in the Church of God in Ohio, as well as a registered nurse, prayer leader, and mother.

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