As I bent in prayer, I heard the Lord whisper,
“My House shall be full. I long to see the nations flowing into it, and they shall. There are many who sit complacently in dry religion, comfortable on padded pews. But My kingdom is dynamic and active, full of life and energy. I have not called My people to sit and wait for Me to return for them, but to be active. I have written the Great Commission in their hearts. My House shall be full.”
When I think about Jesus standing and looking out over the sea of humanity, yearning to save and deliver, embrace and transform men and women, it stirs my heart. Once He looked at me like that. I was the one that was lost and hopeless, depressed and oppressed. I have been that one that He saved and delivered from the power of darkness. I have known His sweet embrace and been transformed. And I have been the one He smiled at and said, Now go tell others. Isn’t that your testimony too?
We are the Church, the Body of Christ. His DNA has been grafted into our spirits. We are the extension of the Lord’s ministry on the earth today. The tempo to which He walked through Israel beats like a drum in our chest, ever saying: SEEK AND SAVE. The Great Commission is our heartbeat and our compelling purpose. It is who we are meant to be, Church. Let’s tell the world.
Pray with me?
Father, we ask for holy boldness to come into us. Fill us afresh with Your Spirit and set our hearts ablaze with the fire of the Gospel. We want to participate in what You are doing in the earth. Make us soul winners for the sake of Jesus.