Small but Powerful

I hear the Lord saying tonight, There is great power in the smallest acts of obedience and faith.  When Jesus was sitting on the hillside teaching, a young lad offered Him the sack lunch that his mother had packed.  To the crowds nearby, it seemed such an insignificant offer. But in the generous hands of …

Waiting at the Pool

Jesus was walking through Jerusalem and passed by one of the porches surrounding the Pool of Bethesda. He looked in sympathy at the people He saw there. Some were lying on mats on the hard ground, some sitting alone, others talked quietly with the person who was keeping them company. The two things that they …

The Mission is Ready

It was necessary for Him to go through Samaria. (Jn 4:4) Jesus was on His way to Galilee and this is what the Gospel has to say about the journey: It was necessary for Him to go through Samaria.  Even though this is the most direct route, somehow I don’t think this was a shortcut. …

Dynamic Kingdom

As I bent in prayer, I heard the Lord whisper, “My House shall be full.  I long to see the nations flowing into it, and they shall.  There are many who sit complacently in dry religion, comfortable on padded pews. But My kingdom is dynamic and active, full of life and energy. I have not …

Coffee and Evangelism

Evangelism can be a scary word. We all have that secret fear that we cannot adequately share the Gospel message. That doesn’t mean that we don’t love the Lord or that we don’t think that the people around us need Him. We are just not very confident in our ability to communicate the Good News. …

Thinking about a Throne

I sat on my deck with my Bible open in my hands and read the words of the awestruck prophet: In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple. (Isaiah 6:1, NKJV) As I lifted my own eyes, I heard …