Exodus 17:6 I will stand there before you by the rock at Horeb. Strike the rock, and water will come out of it for the people to drink.” (NIV)
I see You there
In the company of complainers,
Amidst the murmuring
Hearing whining instead of worship.
You see the people
Thirsty but not thankful
In self-pity but not praying
Imperfect and impatient
But instead of giving up on them
Instead of striking them down
Instead of walking away
You stand as Moses takes his rod
And strikes the Holy ground
On which You have stood and spoke
and burned like a consuming Fire
And You bring water from the rock to meet their desperate need.
It reminds me of another moment
When You stood
In the company of complainers
Amidst the murmuring
Hearing weak religious rhetoric
You see the people
Full of pride but empty of hope
Pitiful but prayerless
Imperfect and impatient
But instead of giving up on them
Instead of striking them down
Instead of walking away
You took the stripes on Your sinless back
And gave mankind all that was needed
To live holy, blameless, acceptable
In front of a holy God.
You were wounded for my transgressions, bruised for my iniquities,
the chastisement of my peace was upon You, and by Your stripes I am healed.
Pray with me?
Lord, this thirsty, needy, undeserving soul sees You and I run to You, the Rock of my salvation. Thank you for all You have done for me. You are the Source where I find all that I need to live. I drink deep of Your living water today.